Warhammer 40.000 — Storm of Iron (HB)

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Knížka z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhamer 40.000. 

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Knížka z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhamer 40.000. 

On the nightmare battlefields of the far future, few foes spark more fear and dread than the Chaos Space Marines. Nurturing a millennia-old hatred, they attack without mercy, spreading terror and destruction in their wake. Now hell has come to Hydra Cordatus, for a massive force of terrifying Iron Warriors, the brutal assault masters of Chaos, have invaded the planet and laid siege to its mighty Imperial citadel. But what prize could be worth so much savage bloodshed and destruction – and how long can the defenders hold out?

Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Black Library - knihy
Autor / Autoři: Graham McNeil
Nakladatel: Black Library
Vazba: Pevné Desky
Počet Stran: 300
Jazyk: Angličtina

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