Warhammer 40.000 — Forges of Mars (PB)

449 Kč
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Omnibus z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhammeru 40000. V tomto svazku najdete příběhy frakce Adeptus Mechanicus.

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Detailní popis produktu

Omnibus z grimdark sci-fi univerza Warhammeru 40000. V tomto svazku najdete příběhy frakce Adeptus Mechanicus.


A great explorator fleet sets out into uncharted space, the Halo Worlds at the galaxy's edge. The armada contains contingents from every aspect of the Imperium, from the humble troops of the Astra Militarum to the mighty Space Marines – all led by the ancient tech-scholars of the Martian priesthood. They seek an ancient and priceless technology from the birth of history, but what they find is more powerful and deadly than any of them could have imagined.


Priests of Mars
Lords of Mars
Gods of Mars
Zero Day Exploit


Doplňkové parametry

Kategorie: Black Library - knihy
Autor / Autoři: Graham McNeilk
Nakladatel: Black Library
Vazba: Brožovaná
Počet Stran: 930
Jazyk: Angličtina

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